اعلامیه برنامه میزگرد وبلاگ نویسها را در پایین آورده ام. برنامه برای همه عموم آزاد است.
Blogging in Persian: the Joys and the Challenges
In the past few years, blogging has become a very popular activity among Iranians living in Iran or abroad. There are many Persian blogs written by Iranians or Iranian-Americans in the US. They cover wide range of issues including daily challenges as an immigrant, Iran-US politics, and personal and emotional issues in daily life.
Blogging in Persian is an interesting and unique experience. In less than a minute of writing a piece, the author reaches out to people who live in all corners of the world. There are few immigrant communities with such a wide spread and vibrant blogging community. This creates its challenges too. Readers have widely different backgrounds, and every written piece can get subjected to widely different interpretations. This can create misunderstandings and tension between the blog author and the readers.
In our panel, we will have four bloggers from Bay area who would discuss their experience as a blogger:
There will be a moderated discussion with time for questions and answers.
The talks will be in Persian and open to public.
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Date: Saturday, February 10th
Location: Havana Room, GCC building, Stanford University
Address: 750 Escondido Road, Stanford, CA 94305
Note: If you are coming from outside the campus, please note that you have to take "Campus Drive Rd" instead of "Stanford Avenue" to come to "750 Escondido Road" due to road block on
Escondido Ave.
توجه: اگر شما وبلاگ نویس هستید، میتوانید یک ساعت زودتر به برنامه بیایید تا فرصت بیشتری برای صحبت با بقیه وبلاگ نویسها داشته باشید. اگر هم قرار است بیایید، لطفا تبلیغ برنامه را هم روی وبلاگتان بکنید.